Wednesday, April 11, 2012

eyeing to fondant cakes

well now, since im at home, im not lazily wasting my time here. still got assignments to be completed and some malls to shop. need to write and googling some ideas about mock trial script. yup, being a director is such a burdensome. im not that well-versed with this kind of directing. and me neither an imaginary kid. ideas are not things that can be plucked out of the sky.. and im weak for that.. 

k forgot about that. duties r duties alia. =.="

ok.. my cousin (paternal cousin), Ngah is going for an engagement this May. for that reason, they have been asking Abah to sponsor his cake. aiyaakk.. so, x kisah lah.. the most excited people of coz lah Ma and me. we had been scrolling and eyeing to some bloggers in Kuantan who make orders for cakes. and yup.. Ma was so in love with fondant cakes.. and me either.. 

let's take a look.. 

in our top-list

those who unknown to fondants, if u guys had been attending wedding/engagement events.. kalo perasan cake keras kat outside part.. tue namanye kek fondant lah. isi dia kat dlm lah. but then, the outer part tue mmg keras. fully sugar.. org x mkn lah isi luar tue. hiasan jer lbh. tp skarang mmg trend dh lah sbb using icing cake tue nnt cream dia terpeloot lah ape lah.. so dh x cntk.. =.="

these cakes yg ada cartoons or cute stuffs on top cm tue, bese kalo nak blh book kat secret recipe. and of coz lah it's pricey. the min is basically RM100++.. aigooo~ (br nk buat hantaran tunang kan..) 

so this eve, baby, Ma and I went for a shopping.. lingering kat kedai2 india jual kaen and i got stripes for myself. and oh my.. i had "accidentally" parked the car in front of wedding boutique. rolling eyes giler after seeing that awesome bridegrooms' suits plus with the pelamin.. mula lah berangan~~.. sbb tue jer yg mampu.. huahuahua.. but seriously, note to "U" who read this.. i want this one kay... =]


CUTE-AHHHHH..!!!... I want this!!!...


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