Monday, February 28, 2011

wonderful saturday.. kih3x..

 Salam n greeting readers..

mood: ceria cket.. hehe.. w/p aku tgh lapar skarang nie. maklumlah.. poce.. woot2x..  =)

Sabtu lepas: suppose ma abah and kerabat encik ramley dtg bawak i punye maroon icon (skarang dh bertukar rupa wrn hitam. hampeh =.=") tp x jd.. ade hal.. gi kenduri.. ceyt.. lg pun, bdk hakim tue blk.. nnt penat plak kena hntr budak cengeng tue plak. haish~..

xper lah.. i've got visitors.. from bolton n uniten.. kih3x.. well.. angah mira dtg ngan kawan dia nad suro ajar wat Math.. particularly: Indices. hoh!.. 5 thn sudah aku tgglkn tajuk tue. kena asah blk la.. xpe2.. x ksh sngt wkt tue, sbb mathematician dtg membantu.. kih3x.. =D

 ..thanks angah sbb buat kek coklat lg.. bawak bekal.. weee.. ^^..

 ..nad and angah...

..2 org tutor yg ajar in short-form ways.. haha.. jahat.. ^^..

pastu.. xde ape nk buat.. jln2 jer lah kat uia.. lepak2.. 

...haha.. meronggeng..

tue jer la.. huhu.. btw.. i've paid my summon oredy. cuak gak la td nk cek result test MLS kat portal x lepas. lupa plak saman x byr. per lg.. meluru pergi MO amek surat appeal.. pas kelas tutor MLS td gak berlari aku gi bank sbb tkt dh ttp.. then headed to Legal Unit.. tgh pose nie. giler gigih.. naseb la tenaga ada.. alhamdulillah..

blk terus cek result..

result test: happy..  hehe.. =)

padahal br satu.. aduii...~.. 

notakaki: lapar.. @_@...

Friday, February 25, 2011

short sem + meronggeng

Salam..  here is an Announcement!..

x nak amek short sem.
bakal menghabiskan cuti hampir 5 bulan di rumah.

kenapa xnak amek?
rm300 fees for short sem..
duit utk makan minum lg.. =.=" dush~...
..bazir.. hoho~..

lg pun, short sem is for those who had postponed certain subjects..
well.. sem nie aku amek sume subjek..
no left behind.. hehe.. 
wkt cuti cari keje lg bagus.. kih3x..
ka-ching!!... $$$$... simpan duet utk kawen..

bulan 5.. bakal terbang ke Mekah.. wat umrah.
pray for me guys~.. huhu..

oh btw.. im gonna miss my A.A..
Kuantan n Bangi.. jauh kot..~.. huhu..


Khamis - meronggeng bersama Aini ngan Qiqie.. end up lepak kat KLCC..
n wow!!.. everything change!!.. bnyk giler butik baru.. fuuh~..

our dinner.. hehe.. n Aini punye.. sedap!!..

..Qiqie punye..

then blk.. mlm tue siap2 pergi tgk teater CERITA ANAK SIAPA kat moot court.. best gak la.. performance by final year student.. ade Radhi Khalid ngan Ellie Suriyati siap.. pergh~.. 

pastu.. jln2 ngan cik buntal n cik pidah..

pergh.. muka x leh bla.. haha..
lokasi: depan stadium. usha football match dr jauh.. kih3x...

sejak dh ttp fb nie.. aku rasa mcm hr2 update blog..
..haha.. naseb lah~..

p.s: going to be a second babysitter at home.. huahuahua.. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

wishlist tutorial ^^

..Salam.and greetings.. 

 entry kali nie pasal tutorial nk wat wishlist. well.. it's kinda request from Mirull.. ex-schoolmate sblm nie. dr dl lg dia request. tp lupa nk wat. haha.. =.=" sory.. well.. amek kesempatan jap sblm aku gigih hafal point2 utk pengucapan awam esok. aduh~..

wishlist?? ape tue? tgk kat left-sidebar tue kan.. tue la wishlist yg korang blh tick or un-tick..

 ok guys.. tue code utk my wishlist..

so how to do?? 

1) 1st just copy the code..
2) change for ur own wishlists..

 u guys can replace  ..3.5 cgpa.. loss weight.. kawen.. viva.. and put urs..

3) for tick and untick.. look at the disabled and checked..

..kalo nk tick tulis checked
kalo nk un-tick : disabled..

 as simple as that.. so, later on korang taw kan nk wat cm mana.. pilih add gadjet then amek html blablabla.. paste the code.. x kan x taw kot.. =P

btw.. sory aku x leh nk letak code tue as real sbb nnt dia tukar jd wishlist box plak.. haha.. pndi2 korang la nk copy cm mana.. wakaka..

 Ok mirull.. I'm done.. sape2 yg nak.. go ahead.. bukan utk mamat nie sorang jer. haha.. 

adiyos~.. hrp2 korang paham.. hehe.. =D

p.s: should have change that viva into maroon icon scooter.. hehe.. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

something dat i tend to be worried about.

its.. mylife.. 
im getting confused with my own self..
talking bullshits which i didn't mean it though.. 

to the one i love and care the most..  (family is the ultimate la kan),

i  am a girl who do not even satisfy with everything  that i have..
i am a girl who like to ask lot of things.. and ask for ur care..
i am a silly girl who always talk upside down..

please.. have faith in me.. 

im writing this down.. to make myself clear.. as well as urs..
u wont be able to understood me.. 
coz this is me.. 
kept questioning n questioning.. looking for answers..
 ..and questioning is not asking.. 

i dont want anything..
just you..

i can be a strong companion for you..
i can be ur supporter..
but pliz.. be mine as well.. 
im not that tough.. who can keep all things inside..

when i burst out.. calm me down..
when im down.. cheer me up..
when im lost in words.. guide and show me the way..

hold me..
dont let me fall..

to be continued.. =P 


It's PILIHAN RAYA guys!!...

minggu pilihan raya kampus.
vote for your leaders.. hehe..

 go AIKOL!!..

notakaki: mood dah pulih. =D

Sunday, February 20, 2011


aliabebel.blogspot - deleted.
vampiresfoundation.blogspot - deleted.

 .. it's a begin to a new chapter..
..past is past..

im done.
longing for my old life back.. old-self..
 that i was happy enjoying every single day
..without dropping any regretful tears..

..need some time to recover myself..
home.. i need you..

p.s: i wanna go home.. =(

Thursday, February 17, 2011

a painful agreement.


 ..agreeing to make sure you'll love me forever..
agreeing for the upcoming happiness..

..having the patient for no-communication-for-a-whole-day..
 but in the end..

..u just want me to practice living without you..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

lelaki yg bangang.

engkau yang bernama lelaki..
begitu indah ciptaan kau..
sehingga menjadi pelindung buat si hawa..
dan mereka ini dijadikan drpd rusukmu sendiri..

engkau yang bernama lelaki..
perasaan bukan sesuatu yang boleh dipijak-pijak..
jangan terlalu mudah bermain kata..
yang bakal menghancurkan hati si dia..

engkau yang bernama lelaki..
jangan memberi janji dan harapan palsu..
kerana semua itu dusta dan hina..
kerana kepalsuan itu bakal menoreh sebuah hati..

kepada dia, lelaki yang aku gelar JANTAN BANGANG..
..yang sangt licik.. 
membina sebuah hubungan utk dihancurkan..
memberi pelbagai harapan utk dikecewakan..
mengganggap si hawa sbgi alat mainan..
yg kau anggap boleh diperbodohkan..

..SIAL!!.. day kalo aku jmp ko.. hadiah penampar aku bagi!!..
jgn ingt aku kecik aku x berani. huh!!..

Monday, February 7, 2011

mid-test. =.="

 Assalamualaikum wth.. n greetings.. =)  kasi sopan sket..

currently at uia. specific sket dlm bilik lah.. smpi hr sabtu, rumet xde. tggl sorang. wuwu~.. xper lah, nk wat cm mana. layan diri jer la. nk turun dinner cafe plak x bkk lg. wuwu~.. naseb baek Midah n da geng ade, blh la nak order kat diorg. kih3x...

cuti aku wat per? asyik kuar jer. buku plak x berapa nk sentuh.. huhu. buat berat bahu jer gigih bawak balik satu beg, padahal.. hampeh. =.=" ade lg 6 test nk kena hadap. hadooi... 

oh. aku dh tgk dah citer khurafat; perjanjian syaitan tue. giler seram!!.. seyes seram. aku x berapa nk tgk sangat sbb asyik tutup mata smbl menjerit. hakhak.. time part hantu jer sah2 tangan kat muka. pastu tgk celah jari yg mana lubangnya lagi kecik dr lubang hidung aku. wakaka.. penakut!.. chicken betol.

.. citer tue pun xde la seram sngt kalo x wat sound effect yg mcm giler babun tue. hehe.. =P

 now. its time to studying. no play2 anymore. wkt 1st year nie la nk score. fb plak dh tutup. no more fb-ing. bak kata Riman- ex-senior kat SMART skarang kat Aussie: jangan hambakan diri kat fb. bukak lappy jer terus terkam fb. mcm xde life. hakhak.. so, aku decide tutup jer la. but still aku akan bukak blk pas nie kalo ade masa sbb nk buang gmbr2 dlm account aku tue. =)

oh one more thing, dpt mesej dr COMRADE, katanya ade trip gi cameron highland weekend nie. nk gi ke x ek? sbb isnin tue ade test ngan presentation. selasa tue plak rasanya ade program w/p cuti n rabu tue ade test. cm mana nie? nak pergi!!!... =(

adoi.. papepun..

 well.. wish me all the best for my studies.

dn semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.. dunia dan akhirat.. amiiinn.. 

p.s: fb dh ttp. tggl twitter jer la layan skarang nie.. hehe..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

 ..Happy holidays friends.. greetings!!.. 

 finally at home! rindu giler nk blk rumah. jmp family. ok.. smp kuantan hari sabtu pukul 4 lbh. bertolak dr greenwood pukul 12.30 tgh hr. giler lembap bas transnasional tue.. ishk3x.. dah la kena berhenti kat terminal plak tue.. then, straight away gi wedding cikgu mazreena kat bukit kuantan. jauh giler.. =.="

smpi jer kena tgg setengah jam nk jmp cikgu. huhu. cikgu tgh sibuk bersolek. dush~ bila dah x thn menunggu, just say bye2 jer la pastu kasi cikgu hadiah. congratz cikgu!! semoga berbahagia hgg ke anak cucu.. =)

cikgu mazreena n husband. gmbr curi kat fb.. =D

..thanx to A.A n kak ili for the ride.. hehe.. best kan kena perli ngan jiran. laen kali smbl tgk mak mertua, kena la jgk pndg depan. naseb baek x kemek tong sampah tue. hahaha.. =P

hr nie dh hr selasa. buku x sentuh pape lg. haish. mengucap alia.. hoho~.. 2 hr bz pergi jabatan imigrisen nk wat pasport antarabangsa, then amek gmbr pasport backgound putih. gi klinik wat buku kesihatan pastu kena inject. sakit.. =(.

where am i going?? hehe.. Insyaallah, im going to perform umrah bulan 5 nnt. waktu short sem. hehe.. disponsor weyh. rezeki jgn ditolak.. kih3x.

Tetiba teringat pasal krisis kat mesir tue, then muncullah soalan bangang nie..

.. ma, mekah kat mesir ke? hahaha..

p.s: wkt nk kena inject doc tny : awak nie xde isi ke? haha..