Thursday, January 27, 2011

25/01 - a surprise

..Greetings readers. silenters n silentees..

 let's do a happy-happy entry kay.. hehe. mood: 20. kay, i'm 20 oredy. entry lmbt cket sbb xde masa nk tulis. sibuk study n hafal utk test QaHol.. =.="..  oh, terima kasih kepada sume wishes n prayers from sms-es.. wall posts n singing wish!!.. =)..

kepada rumet n jiran bilik.. aini most of all.. qiqie, yana, fafar, timah n nailah.. thanks for the surprise wishes walaupun x jadi. haha.. kantoi la aku nmpk dr bilik air. korang panjat katil bilik aku ngan skodeng kat tingkap.. hahaha.. tenkiu banyak2 la korang.. =)...

then received a call from Aiman!!.. nyanyi lagu happy birthday.. a combination from Shafan, Shahirun, Nazrin, Syazwan, Faliq n Aiman.. hehe.. trimas bnyk2 korang. ingt gak kat aku. w/p aku taw tanpa facebook korang mesti x taw tarikh keramat tue. haha..

esoknya nafis belanja makan tomyam kat evoke pas hbs kelas ungs kul 6.30.. dpt kek coklat lagi tuuu.. n dpt hadiah pen pink cair 2 batang, as i wished earlier. hehe.. tenkiu nafis!!.. feveret tomyam kat evoke!!.. yummy.. =)

but the thing is, i got no wish from A.A. jht giler.x wish pun. huhu.. well.. as i thought that u'd maybe involved in such a prank conducted by aini ngan qiqie.. but still.. x suke lah!!.. haha.. diorg wat surprise party kat domino wangsamaju. bawak aku ke sana pas maghrib naik kete.. konon la si aini nk jmp abang dia kan.. piiiraaahh... then si A.A dtg bawak blueberry cheese from SR!!!..

..sedap giler!!

...speechless!!.. =.="

 tahan gelak. =P

ok. thanks awak. thanks giler2 sbb dah berkampung kt sana dr petang tgg saya hbs kelas dulu. huhu.. kepada aini n qiqie, berbillion2 terima kasih for the prank.. =).. pandai ek korang plan. haha..

2 kepala. lap u...!!  ..(^0^)..

presents? of course la WAJIB ada kan. the most "irony" one bila dpt taw ustaz ghazzali xde hari khamis. pergi brunei. so test ILS kena postpone!!!!!!.. selamat~.. hehe..

my polliw.. dpt dr A.A.. hehe.. 
...i love you just the way you are too my dear...

that's all.test QaHol dh selamat. alhamdulillah boleh jawab dgn lancar.. so, result pun harap2 ok la kan. x sabar nk balik rumah, angah nk masak spaghetti!!!!!.. yummy.. =D..

p.s: aku sayang korang sume!!!...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

typical malay teens stuff.. i just dont get it.. =(

..Greetings people.. n have a nice day..

just got back from class.. ngantuk nie tp malas la nk tido. nnt terlajak plak. so, just googling n facebooking n blogwalking.. ade blogger crew malaysia dtg jenguk.. so, cekedaut jer la kan mana2 blog yg best. blh usha2 cket. hehe.. =D

found out this one. Kay the son of Denan. best la jgk blog nie.. hot topic yg aku jmp pasal entri nie..Serius gua x paham pompuan.. agak terkezzut gak arr aku baca. better korang find out ape yg guy nie tulis. memang entah pape.. bukan bengang kat dia.. tp bende yg dia tulis tue la.. ishk3x..

terkejut kan. well.. tuan punye page nie dia letak album gmbr pompuan randomly upload.. entah sape entah dia maen letak jer. then wat title Budak2 Bohsia Zaman Sekarang. i dont get it people. doesn't make sense at all. kalo ia pun bosan tahap gila meroyan, xyah la smpi nk wat cm nie..

and btw.. aku bc la jgk komen2 pic nie.. especially when they find out their pics ada kat situ or mybe kawan diorg punyer ke.. sume nye lucah.. mencarut marah2 sume ada.. well.. typical malay kan yg cepat naik angin.. u know wat, lagi org komen mcm tue.. lg best la..more attraction..

dahsyat kan.. huhu.. aku cek.. naseb baek la gmbr aku xde.. dn sebab bnd2 cm nie lah.. aku terfikir rasa cm nak delete jer gmbr2 aku dlm fb tue.. well.. nie dah trespass.. causing defamation to others.. blh saman nie. ishk3x..

 or maybe.. aku x blh nk kata nie bdk melayu.. tp tgk bahasa pun taw.. huhu.. well.. bnyk lg bnd2 cm nie dlm fb.. kalo rajin try jer la search.. letak bnd2 pelik sket.. confirm kuar. kih3x.. tajuk post aku kali nie agak sensitif la.. sbb aku pun malay kan.. malu ngan bangsa sndr.. huhu.. =(

//xmaw komen pnjg2.. pikir sndr la kan.. =.="


notakaki: ade 2 test khamis depan. doakan saya. =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

not really a good day. =(

..teka ape nie?..

saman electrical items; kettle n laptop.
aku lupa giler nk reg!!..

saman. yer saman. 1st saman pernah dapat sejak duduk kat uia tercinta nie. since cfs lagi reputasi aku x kena saman tue terjaga taw. n now.. everything becomes rubbish!!.. fakta: aku menangis dpt saman nie taw. =(

dah la pg tue lecturer decide nk wat exam ILS next week. well actually, bukan la mid-term exam sbb 15 marks jer pun. but still.. aku mengamuk mcm aper jer.. x puas ht la. suppose buat la after mid-break.. huhu~..  disbbkan itu, aku terpaksa tarik diri dr join kem kat selayang weekend nie. test punya pasal. cis!..

 anda boleh faham makna di atas??..

tue subjek Transaction in Islamic Law.. where the lecturer always melesapkan diri - went to Jakarta la ape la. and we never had our tutorial class which fits in the whole syariah 1st year students. yo la. dah sume nk the same day.. sape nk kelas pagi kan?? aku x nak... =.="

 so.. it ends up.. aku puasa. jimat duit.


Friday, January 14, 2011

..the anomalous of me..

..greetings bloggers...

i should have known that my previous post was a lousy one. kinda a mess and so much aggravating this cute blog. pfft.. =P so, i think i should remove it.. 

-what kind of post if u wrote it with such a chronicle font size of words??- burok dowh!!.. =.="

..u know wat, i have dis kind of antic; removing post (blog) or status (fb) whenever i like.. hehe.. people would say, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya. well, i don't say them outloud.. lol.. new workloaded ASS-signment(S) life.. duuh~ 

..just need a new study spirit.. fighting!!..

and somehow.. i really need come ka-ching!!... ^^ think dat i'd spent so much here in gombak. books were such a boom.. went for a crazy shopping which was definitely be da last one.. pray for me. lol..

oh. for the part-time job. i'd already revoked it.. =) 
well, any other job offer for me? please inform kay.. 

till then~

 p.s: my 1st entry in da morning..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alhamdulillah.. o.O

..Salam.. n hey you all!!!..
praise to Allah the Almighty.. finally.. i've got my MUET result already. hehe..

btw. thanks la kat fizah sbb bg taw result muet dah kuar. kalo x, mmg berkurun aku x taw. huhu.. cuak gak nk cek td. al-maklumla.. i'd done it not in a proper way. meaning to say, supposedly i should have done it kat uia nilai. but then.. since it was during my 2 months semester break, and the exam dates were like a damn, aku just decide wat kat kuantan.. w/o even informing uia nilai dat i changed my pusat.. <-- bukan pusat badan. lol.  hahaha.

 aku x wat wang pos. no letter from uia nilai. not even a phone call from them. aku maen redah jer tukar pusat kat smk tengku panglima perang. haha. naseb la. mana aku taw wkt tue tgh cuti.. =.="

x kisah la. tue sume citer lama. yg pntg, result aku setaraf la ngan si dia. hahaha.. mmg x blh la nk beat, sbb mmg mustahil la nk beat result dia.. 

..dpt band 4 jer. hehe.. pape pun, alhamdulillah.. =) 
..happy giler dpt result nie..

..thanx to everyone yg support.. love you guys very3x the much!!!..

Sunday, January 2, 2011


..Salam n greetings to all..

..happy 2011 n farewell to 2010.. .
..entry nie lmbt sehari.sorry.. =.="

 a beginning of a new year. new age. new semester. new me. and one step to relationship with friends, families n to my dearest one. happy 2011. may this new year will cherish all of you.. may this new year will be better than previous.. may this new year will be another step to improve your upcoming n onwards life.. =)


taught me how to deal with surroundings. getting to know how to make up your works and finish them as a great ending. i end up my foundation on June n pursuit my LLBS on Dec. Life's getting much harder n much responsibility. maturity is one big thing that i REALLY have to compromise with. *i'm still a 9-year-old kid attitude* haha..

the thing that i had regretted most: i was unable to be in a dean's list for my last semester in foundation. a very nearest one. but still all my results maintained the same from the 1st. haha. too much laziness n plays.. =(

Mom said: maintain is good rather than drop. u just have to upgrade more n more. huhu..

...01/01/2011...'s not just a happy new year. but a very happy 20th birthday to ..Wan Amir Alauddin Wan Sharifuddin.. Semoga dipanjangkan umur.. dimurahkan rezeki.. dan diberikan kesihatan yg baik..

... (^-^)...

..home-made choc cake with cheese cream on top.. with 2 melted ladybirds on top.. =)

... baju hitam.. =))..

..i had a very wonderful day on my new year.. =)..