Sunday, April 17, 2011


yeah.. finally.. two weeks exactly.. 
struggling and with the bookS.. urgghh..

 it's over.. at least 4 now.. =.="
 so.. lets bidding farewell to semester 1.. 
hoping to not seeing you again another 5 months hakhak!!.. 
..bye2x~ ..

la nie kat rumah. br smpi smlm (sabtu)
..exm hbs khamis. last paper QAHOL..
bdk civil dh hbs isnin dah.. awal dowh. siot!!..  cis.<-- x puas ht.. =P

pape pun.. lets praying 4 the result jer la kan..

 بسم الله توكلت على الله...

overall.. sume okay.. w/p soklan ade sket punye tricky and confusing..
3 hrs for each paper.. n i told u.. X CUKUP!!..
frankly speaking.. its like sitting for history subjects..
where u wrote essays n essays n babbling and mumbling.. 
..kalo bab nak menghentam.. haha.. (tngn naik lembik dah)

haa.. this is wat happened to my meja study.. haha.. sepah!..

..Malaysian Legal System (MLS).. 

..transaction in islamic law (arabic1)

tmpt buang stress. katil!!..

although paper last dh hbs. xrasa mcm lega pun.. huhu..
so.. i ended up shopping spree ngan Qiqie ngan Aini.. -jumaat!!..

tmpt-  Times Square.. hehe..

org tgh bnyk "camplung" kan.. bnyk la shopping nyer.. haha.. utan t-shirt.. hehe..

esoknye.(sabtu) siap2 balik. dn singgah sogo dulu utk 2nd shop.
but this time.. aku x mmp nk shopping pape sbb jd tour guide. =.="

..elphee's handbag jer la dpt kebas sebijik...

guess what? naik train dowh!!.. haha..

..pape pun..
..selamat bercuti kpd sume ek..

..dan selamat menghabiskan cuti kpd si dia ek.. hehe..

..oh, got 1 message for you..

p.s: officially a job-hunter.. any offer??


..Amir Alauddin.. said...

selamat 5 bulan bercuti..jeles gler..=(..
btw,ske gmbau yg last tue..
love u too cayang..hehehe

Alia Ramley said...

ololo.. jgn la jeles.. hehe..
ske ek.. hahaha.. =)

nadrah zainuddin said...

awwwww so sweet. hahaha.

Alia Ramley said...

awwwwwwww... haha..