Tuesday, July 19, 2011

got time?



it has been 3 months fleeting away and only a month++ left for my semester break. quite a long holiday period which i thought that i had just wasted it without seeking any job. lazy me.. 

not only that, i had promised to myself to finish reading vampire novels which had been unread quite a few years. guess what? i didn't even try to open them but just make a simple glance and sometimes an intense stare.

2 Night World Novels from the famous vampire author who wrote Vampire Diaries as well; L.J Smith. i had read almost 3/4 for the 2nd one but none at the left side. =.="

eh.. wait a sec..





aha!!.. i forgot the 3rd one. so sum up.. there are 3 vampire novels. 

the third one is the third series of A House of Night Novel; The Chosen. i regretted buying this series coz i thought that it maybe lasted until fourth. but unfortunately the authors had continuously making the series up until sixth i guess. and of course, i dont have that bunch of money to buy them. so i stop buying at the third. ngeh.ngeh.

so, do i still get some other time to "consume" them?

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