Saturday, July 28, 2012

kurus #problem

i dont upload this to brag how "lucky" am i to have an "ok" body, which means thin. honestly, im quite worried with myself. my weight has never reached beyond 41kg anymore. the only slightest kg I did gain was  500g. i eat a lot. drink? maybe not that lot.. but still i prefer pure water than any sweet/cold beverages. thin gene? naaahh.. i dont think so..

..2 years before..

le me with sista.. still in the same body structure

..7 years before..

..gem0k! with Azza 7 years back then during our PMR retrieving result days. gempal.. =.="

i dont know if it's just a rumor or a false hearsay which stating that pregnant is not easy when u r 45kg n below. logically, yes 45kg is more or less an ideal weight kan. to get pregnant, one must supply her body with everything to serve the baby. the thing is.. dahku yg makan x sudah2 but still remain 40kg as if the body never receive anything and the food mcm pass thru it like touch n go. =.="

dah lah partner sorang tue 2x5 jer berat badan. aigooo~ haha.. one G-Health researcher ever told me tht the only problem if one got sick is merely from intestine, liver, heart n imbalance hormone of coz for the women. pape pun kena jaga jantung dl. once it's ok, then it'll balance the others including the enzyme n the blood vessels. those who read this, i'll assure u to go and check ur blood vessels. kalo saluran sempit pastu darah mcm slow jer, u better do something..

tapi kann... all my outfits are in my current size. 
kalo aku gain weight nnt, x muat cm mne plak?? 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Salam Ramadhan.

1) er.. how to start? this blog has been in a long pause. i had just succumbed myself with twitter n facebook, which is usually the former presides. i did teach Amir on how to use twitter. well, he's one of a kind who dislike Social Hub..haha..nnn since he had betrayed Symbian n Apple after getting himself with HTC, i asked him to download several apps which i used to play in Mom's Samsung. android enuff?? ha!ha!..

2) my job is a real boredom. cikgu tadika? yeah.. suits me as a fierce mortal. =.=" no adults to have a chit chat. it just me and azza.. trying to mingle with the kids' world. it's quite difficult to teach them from the very beginning. they have a very short-term memory even when u repeat the alphabets n numbers almost 20 times!! well, surely only some of them are kinda slowpoke. the rests are a bit ok.. jadi cikgu tadika lbh challenging dr jd prof u know... *0* nevertheless, i'll surely miss them after this.. =) feveret candid..

1st day Ramadhan.. trtdo dlm kelas.. =)

that awesome day when we manage to get all of them to sleep..

3) already cleaned up the room. threw away all the lousy things which mostly Angah punye. honestly, she was not a very helpful sis when it comes to room. when i came back from uia, i found my table was flooding with her novels n stuff. sigh* 

instax pics pun x beralbum lg.. 
my 2 lovable perfumes pun almost drained out.. =(

4) Abah got another android kununnya untuk Abang coz he's the only one who got not handphone. even baby umo 8 thn pun got himself sony ericson from Amir. haha.. well, the hp was purportedly bought 4 Abang to encourage him study 4 upsr lah. but still that lazy-bones was never gonna change. take everything 4 granted n never regretted for once. aiyoooo.. so now, i hold tht hp 4 a while or maybe keep it 4 myself.. #eh..

ok. xde citer dah. cik Abang msg nak kol toodles. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

kill the pause

since it's not really a long pause, 
hereby i upload the main pic for Kem Jati Diri SK Assunta Convent

the teachers, facilitators and committees credited to those who uploaded them. i guess though it was Husna's camera, it was other faci who uploaded them. mine was not there much. =( most of the pics uploaded were taken by me..

new news!!..

ive been working as part-time cikgu tadika with my bestie azza. so far it's good though i did feel quite annoying with the kids at the first day. ha!ha! all things they done mesti nak panggil cikgu. "Cikgu! tengok saya buat".. "Cikgu!semalam kan, saya pergi....".. "Cikgu! nak berak"... "Cikgu! nk kencing".. dah berak/kencing, still pggl cikgu.. "Cikgu! Dah"..

suprised me they were so loud!!..

..cute- but don't be fooled..

these are only some of them. last Fri there were 4 more new students. I'll be handling 5 year old kids and Azza will be handling the 4th. we were only told about the appropriate modules to be taught last Sat, so last weeks we both hentam jer nak ajar ape, ikut schedule lama. muahahaha..

nevertheless, i did learn a lot being cikgu tadika. jadi surirumah pun one of the things lah kan. i'd learnt how to handle kids and treat them the way they should be treated. garang kenalah bertempat. and sometime kena berlembut kalo merajuk.. (dah nama pun anak org).. haha.. and oh, duty of care pun mmg kena jaga. nnt xpasal2 kalo kes injury due to stumbling over the toys arose, mampus taw x..

ok.. enough with those kids.. now, tgk nie..


the awesomeness!!

ini.... ini..... ini.... memang irresistible.. do want for my instax!!!..

thanks lah arep sbb tag aku kat lomo hello kitty tue, kalo x mmg aku xtaw ada jual shoot-instax bag.. wuhuuuuuuuuu...