this entry is a re-post to the previous one.
i thought that blogging thru hp is a lot easier and maybe kinda simple, but no. i would rather blogging thru lappy. owh x best. not much font edit.. and ive got no idea how to captionise the pic. =.="
alright, yes im 22 now. glad? i dont know. lol. the only thing i care bout now is my study. there are only few days left to endorse to a new semester holding a 3rd year status. i really2 am hoping my results are gonna be better. mintak2 lah lulus semua. dpt A- pun alhamdulillah lah kan. huhu.. \(^0^)/. then LAP is waiting. I had put law firms as the first 2 choices and syariah high court as the 3rd. i dont mind uia putting me anywhere as long as i'll be settling LAP with flying colours.. cewaahh.. (*LAP = Legal Attachment Program); praktikal.
so what now? ok let me story mory sket. ive bit changed some stuffs in my life and here goes the list :-
1) Sayonara to ERAfm. cukup2 lah aku jd die-hard fan ERAfm selame nie. too much lame songs and very outdated. lagu Untuk Dia tue dh bosan tahap kepalang dh aku dgr. asyik lagu yg sama jer. therefore, ive moved on to FLYfm now. at least i'll be improving my English even the Dj airing up the same songs. hehe..
2) masuk sem baru nie seriously aku kena jimat. i guess no more shopping during study. why? ok let me tell you this secret k.. Amir had suggested 25 Jan next year (my birth date lah kan kih3x) for our engagement day. hari sabtu tue.. waaahhh... in a sudden i felt chill and goosebumps kot. dh nak jd isteri org mehhh.. pastu br sedar yg this shopaholic psycho should be stopped. kena start berjimat-cermat dah nie. kena jd thrifty sket. Amir pun already 4th year.. so ok lah tue.. hr tue kuar ajak cari gelang.. coz ring is too mainstream, so we decided to go for wristlet or bracelet or whatever u called gelang is.. tp sogan plak, so x jd beli.. muahahaha.. puiii.. =P
2) masuk sem baru nie seriously aku kena jimat. i guess no more shopping during study. why? ok let me tell you this secret k.. Amir had suggested 25 Jan next year (my birth date lah kan kih3x) for our engagement day. hari sabtu tue.. waaahhh... in a sudden i felt chill and goosebumps kot. dh nak jd isteri org mehhh.. pastu br sedar yg this shopaholic psycho should be stopped. kena start berjimat-cermat dah nie. kena jd thrifty sket. Amir pun already 4th year.. so ok lah tue.. hr tue kuar ajak cari gelang.. coz ring is too mainstream, so we decided to go for wristlet or bracelet or whatever u called gelang is.. tp sogan plak, so x jd beli.. muahahaha.. puiii.. =P
3) next, to those who had been loyal following this blog should have known that yg aku nie dh brape kali tukar hp kan. hahaha.. so this 2013 akan diserikan lagi dgn Samsung Galaxy SIII. So bye2 Nokia N9. You will always be my favourite. coz with S3, i can instantly download anything and read up previous final exams paper thru the big screen. hehe..
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welcome to the family |
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bye2x... =P |
4) the beginning of 2013 is much more merrier when Pahang is currently on the top position in Liga Super. so late now ive been spending some time to watch football with le fam and trying to recognize the players as well. and in my surprise, pak sedara i pun main dalam team taw. hahaha.. not to be forgotten, it has come to my knowledge that Pahang also has got its fan chanting club known as Elephant Army and Pahang Ultras. giler gempak dowh.. i had sipped on my order to Faisal for EA t-shirt. kot2 lah diorg bkk balik, boleh lah aku dpt sehelai dua. hehe..
ape lg ek??..
5) tadi br jer borak ngan Husna pasal tips to lose weight. as she kept whining over her chubbiness which is not, haha.. well.. i suggested her to take only 3 tablespoon of rice every meal. no more, no less. take it for 3 months and volaahhh.. mesti kurusnye lah.. provided with a lil workout and discipline lah kan. =D as for me, not to brag lah but my weight is 41kg and maintained ever n ever... lol --> not healthy. =.="
ok.. i'll stop here. xtaw nk type per dah. oh btw.. girls nowadays are so overwhelmed with peplum trending, which is not my taste at all. sumpah x lawa. x lawa!!... plizz lah stop the trending kayy.. i want a normal and a lil bet trendy tops/blouses.. not peplum. puiii...
5) tadi br jer borak ngan Husna pasal tips to lose weight. as she kept whining over her chubbiness which is not, haha.. well.. i suggested her to take only 3 tablespoon of rice every meal. no more, no less. take it for 3 months and volaahhh.. mesti kurusnye lah.. provided with a lil workout and discipline lah kan. =D as for me, not to brag lah but my weight is 41kg and maintained ever n ever... lol --> not healthy. =.="
ok.. i'll stop here. xtaw nk type per dah. oh btw.. girls nowadays are so overwhelmed with peplum trending, which is not my taste at all. sumpah x lawa. x lawa!!... plizz lah stop the trending kayy.. i want a normal and a lil bet trendy tops/blouses.. not peplum. puiii...
sekeping gambar dr si keding:
ok bye.

is it u alia??
*no komen.. =D
hahaha.. gapo zul..
-aku malas nak blogging so aku suke gile menaip kt hp before tido. sementara mata nak lelap tu blog je ape yg terlintas.
-got the same thought about peplum. so boring. nak beli baju murah2 tepi jalan pon semua nak peplum.kurang choice herhh
btw, nice S3! =D
pki hp x best.. x feel. haha..
yg pasal peplum tue betul kan.. bosan giler kot...
nak cntk2 kena design sndr lorh.. haha
Besar dah kawan aku. Nikah tolonglah buat time aku cuti. Please!!!
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