Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stilletos on shine.

bukan rmbt jer yg blh shining mcm iklan pantene.
kasut pown blh. (emphasizing on stilettos/gladiators/boots).. hehe..

td ade one article kat yahoo news pasal high heels.
and of course la aku yg giler high heels nie terus baca..

Klik utk baca.

 bapak la.. cun giler kasut nie.. 6 inci aku rasa kasut nie.

 errkk.. ok.. that's a good point.. high heels mmg sngt berbahaya sbb kalo ketuk kpale org mmg blh bawa maut. silap2 blh hilang ingatan. hahaha. especially kalo tumit yg runcing lagi halus mcm gmbr kat atas nie. 
tp x seruncing bawah nie...

..hello GORGEOUS..  

kat article tue ade citer and also bg some tips about wearing heels. al-maklumlah, skarang kasut dah ada smpi 12 inci beb. mcm mana la nak pki kastu tgg tue. kalo wedges blh consider lg sbb surface dia flat and much safer. org yg overweight pown blh pki wedges.. (no offence)

k.. for the tips utk beli/pki heels (xkira la tgg mana korang nk beli):

1) make sure kat dpn tue tebal. sbb nnt x sakit kalo pki..
2) minimal use k... jgn pakai kerap sngt.. xelok.. (tp kalo wedges i think no probs)..
3) and.. don't wear heels when dancing.. 
4) kalo pndi body balance, try la beli tumit yg halus.. hahaha..

ok then.. bab nak jaga kaki.. here it is:

Massaging your feet and rolling them over a golf ball or ice when you take off your shoes at night and gripping a towel and holding your foot up for 15 seconds, three times a day, can also help strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the feet.

kenapa pompuan suke heels..? ok (xsume suke but randomly kay)..

1) confidence.. the natural of beauty.. 
2) and.. entah la.. sbb mmg pompuan suke kowt.. haha..

and aku tgk statstic pasal laki kan..

..What's the worst fashion mistake men make?..

49% vote: wearing black socks with sneakers or sandal..


ok.. thats all..

p/s: pasal conteng2 kete tue kan.. ala korang nie.. ade jer nenek yg bgg naik kete conteng i mean bknnye conteng the whole body from boot to bonnet and tayar.. touch-up sket2 dah arr.. kih3x.. peace!


awe said...

aku bukan budak comot ye..
weyh aku ade usha gak yahoo news tu
menanah kaki kalo pakai gi kelas.

p/s:aku pakai wedges pun salu je tepeleot :p

Alia Ramley said...

hahaha.. pergh, aku dpt rasa kesakitan pki heels..
pki gi kelas? haha.. klh lecturer..

nadrah zainuddin said...

weh aku paling benci heels kot. nanti kawen aku nak pakai selipe je. senang nak lari ngn suami aku :D

Alia Ramley said...


ko nak pakai selipar? ko x pki wkt wedding ko nnt, siap ko. ko nak main kejar2 ke ngn suami ko?.. hahahah..

Alia Ramley said...
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