Saturday, June 27, 2009

~...Nak citer sket la...~

Stakat nie, dah nak msk 6 mgg aku x blk rmh.. waaa!!.. hampeh btol, kelas hr Jumaat hbs kul 5. Trip ke Kuantan dr Seremban kul 9 mlm je yg ada. Kalo nak pi jln2 pun, tmbng teksi mahal..

...aku mmg kesian..
kalo aku bwk kete, dah lame aku pi kuar melencong

handbag terbaru... yeah~..

Well, stkat nie, aku bersyukur arr sbb passion aku into law dah mngkt. Best gak study cases nie. Bukan sng sbnrnye nak blaja law. Dlm kls pun kena speaking, it's a bit challenging. Assisgnment aku pun dah siap.

sbhgian buku2 aku dlm loker.. haha..

* 1st assignmnt aku dpt 4.5 / 5 (marks).. tere x..?.. haha.. penat lelah aku wat..

hmm.. M.E.L.E.X?.. next Friday ada meeting.

girls nominees.. sblm bertanding. Well, tue bukan bj aku.. haha..

Smlm aku pergi la tgk M.O.O.T club punye high committee election. Sian, x ramai pun yg dtg. Yg lawaknya, mmg "menca-pub" giler arr nominees diorng.. haha.. ciri2 jd attorney mmg nmpk arr.. kahkahkah..

*M.O.O.T club nie law club gak, tp based on academic punye..

voters for M.O.O.T.. haha..

yg pompuan = lelaki.. sume same jer.. kalo aku la.. mampus aku trk diri.. haha..

nie post utk president.. bdk mane entah..

mid-sem break aku 20/7.. tp aku blh blk 18..
so, sesape yg rase die cuti skali, contact aku.. jom jln2.. aku drive k.. haha..

skrang nie, bnyk giler citer best kuar kat cinema, tp yg aku plg tgg skarang nie..:

Harry Porter & Half Blood Prince
The Twilight Saga : New Moon

mgg dpn ade Global Player activities.. best ke?.. tgg je la..



Aisyah Shams said...

tahniah 4 da 1st assignment..
almost perfect 5 uh~

bgusla ko dh rse ngam ngan law.. hehe.. bolehla mse2 dpn kang aku minx khidmat ko.. hahaha

Alia Ramley said...

to ainazirah:

hehe.. thanx.
mntx khdmt aku?.. haha.. aku nie x de la berangan nak jd lawyer..

tp, kalo law editor blh arr..
nnt dlm law journal, ade arr name aku..


awe said...

wah..cun henbeg ko
meh la bg kt aku se

sok aku nak ke intec da
jgn rindu aku

p/s: pi tgk muvi jgn lupa ajak aku

Alia Ramley said...

to awe:
hmm.. wat reunion arr korang kat intec tue ek..

ko nak handbag cun, turun nilai arr.. haha..

rindu ko?.. x pun, sbb dah ade org yg rindu..
yg kat PJ tue la..

kahkahkah.. xde mase dah nak tgk movie wei.. exam dah dekat..


Nafis Zulkiflie said...

gud 4 u that u'r starting 2 luv law...wish u the best in your study and your life..

p/s: da ade handbag br ek?? ~save dwit ak..~hehe

Alia Ramley said...

to nafis:
ok.. thanx for the wish..

p/s: oit2, tue handbag bese arr.. dah jnj nak belikan aku handbag, kena la tepati..

x kira2, nak gak!!

Alia Ramley said...

to nafis:
ok.. thanx for the wish..

p/s: oit2, tue handbag bese arr.. dah jnj nak belikan aku handbag, kena la tepati..

x kira2, nak gak!!

fadhli said...

weyh..20/7 tu aku cuti gk..hahaha

Alia Ramley said...

to fadhli:..
of course arr cuti same..