Wednesday, December 16, 2009

~..ok that's it...~

everything's clear now..

don't give up.. everything has come back to normal again..

by the way, aku tgh cuti mid-sem nie.. but still, lots of things to do..

I still got 2 papers after this break.. and that's sucks..

mood-study-thing.. still in vain.. hahaha..

after watching New Moon for the 6th times,
I've decided to read Eclipse for the 3rd times..
~ no jokes.. really!!.. I'm the Robs-Ten-'s ssion.. and of course, The Vampires as well..

Amir had already downloaded *if im not mistaken*
10 series of Vampire Diaries!!..

if he deletes it, he'll lose his head.. as well as his laptop..

ok.. that's all..

p/s: hr nie aku kuar jln2 ngan old fren.. aku citer kat entry laen jer la.. hehe..


Unknown said...

ko kuar ngn old fren 2,
kalo aku knal, kim slm, kalo x knal, kim slm gak...
pe2 pun smoga cuti ko ni brmkna...

p/s: ada mkna 2....

Alia Ramley said...

to zul:
ye2.. aku paham makna ko tue.. haha..