the obnoxious one.
and somehow it does freak me out of the hell..
coz the only thing dat matters is the $$$$..
and me? the jobless little girl who've got no ka-ching had totally in depressed to buy stuffs..
at first, im not really into online shopping. those stuff are only pics. i cant imagine how it feel when it turns out to be like.. xlawa bila dh dpt. tgk gmbr bukan maen kebabooomm!!.. my sis had made a good introduction into this when she asked me to do online shop for her maxi dress. and of coz la when it reached home, i was the one who launched it first. hmm.. bolehlah.. virtually identical i could say..
just click at the link n u'll c numerous gorgeous shawls and hijabs being portrayed. the prices are affordable i would say but the postage is quite costly. i've made my 1st step here.
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i brought this shawl on Tues and it had already sold out on Thursday. |
it took me only 1 day after i deposited the payment. =) |
taraaaa!!!... it cost me an hour to wear it just like the model. pening mana satu nk kena pusing.. haha.. |
im soo super duper happy taw!.. the objective of buying this is to wear it for hari raya for my creamy baju kurung. n of coz vogue la aku nnt. haha.. wekkk.. =.="
unfortunately, on certain part, i thought dat this online-shopping-shawl would nail me to stick only to this one until i discovered another gorgeous web selling stunning handbags!!..arrghh!!..
it dozed you with 6 types of seasoned handbags; shopper, messenger, city, etc.
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im dying for this yellow!!.. DO WANT!!.. |
see.. im really good at wasting money. isnt it? coz i do have lots of medium-sized handbags at home. but of course, the only reason i'm wanting this coz i dont have a small-sized one. =.="
the elphee bag. still wrapped after 4 months bought it at Sogo during sale. xpakai lg. price tag pun x cbt lg. =.=" |
and of course as an Avon Lover.. got this one too. also still in plastic.. |
the striking hijo with scarf. cute!! dats y i bought this. =.=" |
i've got "no money" in my purse rite now. had already banked in all my housewife gaji to avoid paying my own broadband bill. ha!ha! jahat kott.. pape pun, ive got to own that yellow lola city bag for whatever it takes.
and i think i have already targeted someone's credit card..
lari dr ur word
~i'm still trying to defy the gravity.~ =)
speechless.. =,=
no im not.. im just let the readers figured out how spooky online shopping when u get no money but wanting lots of stuffs to buy..
hahaha.. now u know..
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