Monday, May 24, 2010

wth do they think about rights!.

Salam to all bloggers.

20th of May~ on this date, over 60k of people had embarked on a campaign they called "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day". Even, there is a group of it in a social website - facebook and also in a blog. The main reason: they have their own freedom of speech to point out their opinion about other religion; even to draw pictures of prophets.

bg aku, nie la manusia akhir zaman, yg snggp memperlekehkan agama lain semata-mata untuk memuaskan hati dan nafsu sndr. what do they really know about Islam? zero!!. alasan freedom of speech tue mmg LAME and unreasonable. those people-w/o-brain thought that the respectful and loving of Muslims towards Muhammad pbuh is kind of worshiping not an Islam-ism.

Ahmad Rehab in his Chicago Tribune column said : They are doing it for two reasons: 

a) because they know Muslims love their prophet and therefore consider any depiction of him to be offensive

b) because they believe that they are flag-bearers for freedom of speech and that drawing Muhammad is one of the last taboos left to break in Western society.

aku agreed ngan pendapat dia. The Rights of voice-out-speech tue spattnya digunakan utk kepentingan hak asasi manusia bukan atas dasar kepentingan melontarkan pendapat tanpa mengira sensitivti sesuatu agama atau kaum. Apakah hak yg digunkn itu betul dan wajar?

  ~ it's not about right, it's about what's rights ~

well, try to visit their blog. it really pissed me off. lots of pictures were drawn with annoying posts and entries. they even calling all Muslims-who-love-their-prophet-and-freedom-of-speech to draw Muhammad pbuh together coz they are happily and excitedly to publish them in blog.

even i do think that facebook management will not take any d**k and f**k move to remove this s**t group.

tp kita sbg Muslim sndr yg tggl kat "negara islam" sndr blh tgk situasi skarang. org luar tiap2 hari perlekehkan agama kita, tp pucuk pimpinan kita sndr xblh taw mana halal atau haram ~> isu menghalalkan judi bola.

org islam sndr perlekehkan agama diorg sndr. ape nak jadi nie..?

ketuk la kepala sket  bg sedar diri tue. bnd2 cam nie la yg kita ptt voice-out. bukannya xtentu hala pergi wat demonstrasi murahan-jalanan bila parti sndr kalah. b**h!!

semarah mana pun umat Islam terhadap isu2 mcm nie, bnd2 cm nie mmg xblh nak dielakkan. kita blh lht cth Rasulullah apabila baginda dihina dgn kaji, dilontar najis dan cacian. ttp baginda ttp bersabar dan terus berdoa agar mereka diberikan hidayah oleh Allah s.w.t supaya sedar akan kejahilian mereka.

org jeles cm nie arr perangainya. bnd la yg diog x puas ht sngt kat org Islam nie.

well, korang blh join group nie kat facebook.
maybe blh share idea atau pendapat ke.. 

p/s: geram ngan isu non-muslim lawyer nk jd shariah lawyer..


nadrah zainuddin said...

you got a point there.

najihah said...

well,i dont think its a freedom,its a racism u knw..

agree wif u,take our prophet as an our qudwah hasanah..

they can say anything bout islam as they are jahil..if they know the real fact bout islam,ramai kot yg revert to islam..

nice en3 babe!

Alia Ramley said...

yeah.. thanx..

yup. it is racism. they think it's not an offense drawing our prophet. why islam always being targeted by them?..

thanx for the compliment btw..